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Vendors providing Contingent Workers, (Temporary Contractors, Independent Contractors, Consultants, Offshore Workers, Offsite Service Workers, and On-Premises Service Workers etc.) with access to Kaiser Permanente systems must complete training and follow the operational requirements outlined below to ensure appropriate access and that contingent workers NUIDs are terminated in a timely manner in the event of early or unplanned cessation of work.

Operational Requirements:

  • Upon receipt, complete Kaiser Permanente Vendor Training (Contingent Worker Access Termination).
  • Submit online attestation acknowledging your understanding of the operational requirements and identifying all authorized contacts (if any).
  • Cascade requirements within your organization to ensure all responsible parties are informed.

Vendors who fail to submit the online attestation or those with repeated late terminations may have Kaiser Permanente system access disabled, the removal of workers from existing engagements, and/or future contract disruptions until remediation actions have taken place and approval has been received from the Contingent Worker Access Termination executive leadership.

Please contact the CWAT Team for additional information or questions.