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Medi-Cal HIPAA Flow-Down Requirements

Kaiser Permanente, as a Medi-Cal managed care contractor of the California Department of Health Care Services, must require its suppliers with access to Medi-Cal member information, to comply, with certain HIPAA Requirements. If supplier will create, receive, maintain transmit, use or disclose Medi-Cal member information, then supplier must review, and if applicable, comply with the provisions applicable to contractors in the Medi-Cal HIPAA Flow-Down Requirements.
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CA Department of Managed Health Care Regulatory Program Requirements

The California Department of Managed Health Care Regulatory Program Requirements for Vendors, Contractors and Suppliers contains the additional contractual provisions required by the California Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC) to be included in certain agreements between Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. and its suppliers. Each supplier providing services is required to review and, where applicable, comply with the California Department of Managed Health Care Regulatory Program Requirements.
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FDR Requirements

Suppliers, vendors, contractors, and subcontractors who provide services in connection with Kaiser Permanente's Medicare Part C and D plans might qualify as first-tier, downstream, or related entities (FDRs) and must follow certain compliance requirements.
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Federal Flow-Down Requirements

Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. and its health plan subsidiaries have entered into contracts with the U.S. Government Office of Personnel Management and The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services that require certain federal contract provisions be made a part of any subsequent agreement with vendors, contractors and suppliers who provide services to support these Federal contracts. Each supplier providing services is required to review and, where applicable, comply with the Kaiser Permanente Federal Flow-Down Requirements
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