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Healthy Picks

The Healthy Picks Program defines healthy food options in food venues throughout Kaiser Permanente, including patient menus, cafeteria, vending machines, catering, conferences, smart markets, food kiosks, coffee carts, gift shops and farmers markets.
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Sustainable Procurement

Consistent with Kaiser Permanente’s goal to improve the health of our members and the communities we serve. Kaiser Permanente requires each supplier to review and comply with the applicable provisions of the Kaiser Permanente's Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Principles and Standards.
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Impact Spending / Supplier Diversity

Kaiser Permanente requires that all prospective suppliers meet certain minimum qualifications, which may vary by product and service type.  All prospective diverse suppliers/service providers are required to register on our portal.
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GS1® Healthcare Requirements

Kaiser Permanente supports the implementation of the GS1® Device Identification System in the health care industry as the standardized system for marking medical devices with unique device identifiers. Each supplier of medical devices to Kaiser Permanente shall comply with the GS1® Healthcare Requirements for vendors, contractors, and suppliers.
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IT Solution Delivery Life Cycle Requirements

All Kaiser Permanente IT vendors, contractors and suppliers who provide IT solutions are required to comply with Kaiser Permanente's standard for quality IT solution delivery, based on the Solution Delivery Life Cycle defined framework and affiliated sub-processes.
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Payment Card Industry Requirements

If supplier’s services include processing, storing, using or transmitting payment cardholder data, then supplier will comply with the Kaiser Permanente’s Payment Card Industry Data Security Requirements.
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Data Security Requirements

Suppliers must comply with Kaiser Permanente's Data Security Requirements if supplier will be accessing, generating, processing, hosting, or storing* personally identifiable information, data, or records relating to any patient, member, employee, or contractor of any Kaiser Permanente entity. (*Examples include application management, data processing, hosting, or system integration services.)
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Digital Products and Services Accessibility Requirements (formerly Web-Based Products and Services Accessibility Requirements)

Kaiser Permanente is committed to providing access to its healthcare services, programs, and activities free from discrimination on any basis, including disability. This commitment includes ensuring the digital products and services we provide to our members, patients, and other users are accessible. The Digital Products and Services Accessibility Requirements contain the minimum accessibility requirements for suppliers of digital products and services.
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Health Screening Requirements

If a supplier is providing services at a facility in which in-person patient care is provided to Kaiser Permanente patients, then supplier will comply with Kaiser Permanente’s Health Screening Requirements.
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Medi-Cal HIPAA Flow-Down Requirements

Kaiser Permanente, as a Medi-Cal managed care contractor of the California Department of Health Care Services, must require its suppliers with access to Medi-Cal member information, to comply, with certain HIPAA Requirements. If supplier will create, receive, maintain transmit, use or disclose Medi-Cal member information, then supplier must review, and if applicable, comply with the provisions applicable to contractors in the Medi-Cal HIPAA Flow-Down Requirements.
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CA Department of Managed Health Care Regulatory Program Requirements

The California Department of Managed Health Care Regulatory Program Requirements for vendors, contractors and suppliers contains the additional contractual provisions required by the California Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC) to be included in certain agreements between Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. and its suppliers. Each supplier providing services is required to review and, where applicable, comply with the California Department of Managed Health Care Regulatory Program Requirements.
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FDR Requirements

Suppliers, vendors, contractors, and subcontractors who provide services in connection with Kaiser Permanente's Medicare Part C and D plans might qualify as first-tier, downstream, or related entities (FDRs) and must follow certain compliance requirements.
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Federal Flow-Down Requirements

Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. and its health plan subsidiaries have entered into contracts with the U.S. Government Office of Personnel Management and The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services that require certain federal contract provisions be made a part of any subsequent agreement with vendors, contractors and suppliers who provide services to support these Federal contracts. Each supplier providing services is required to review and, where applicable, comply with the Kaiser Permanente Federal Flow-Down Requirements
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Clinical Technology Service Request Requirements

Clinical Technology Services include: Preventative Maintenance, Corrective Maintenance, and other related services on the medical equipment used in the monitoring, diagnosis, and treatment of the Kaiser Permanente members and patients.
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Electronic Invoicing Guide

Kaiser Permanente recently implemented company-wide, eInvoicing submission and is discontinuing paper-based invoicing. All suppliers transacting with Kaiser Permanente will be required to submit invoices electronically. Electronic invoice submission is the ONLY authorized channel for invoice submission to receive timely payment(s).
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Invoice and Accounts Payable Requirements

In order to facilitate timely and accurate payment of invoices, Kaiser Permanente requires vendors, contractors and suppliers to comply with the Kaiser Permanente Invoice and Accounts Payable Requirements. Failure to follow these requirements may lead to processing delays or the non-payment of invoices.
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Quality Assurance Program

If the supplier is providing goods or services to Kaiser Permanente that are used in a licensed or accredited health care facility, the supplier shall participate in the Kaiser Permanente Quality Assurance Program.
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Non-Endorsement Guidelines

Kaiser Permanente’s trademarks, service marks, trade names and logos are valuable assets, which are actively managed and protected by Kaiser Permanente. Suppliers and other third parties are not permitted to use Kaiser Permanente marks or logos without written authorization. These Non-Endorsement Guidelines contain the minimum requirements for a supplier’s use of any Kaiser Permanente marks or logos and the process by which a supplier may request this authorization.
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Travel and Expense Guidelines

If Kaiser Permanente has agreed in the agreement or Statement of Work ("SOW"), as applicable, to reimburse supplier’s travel and associated expenses, then the supplier must comply with the Travel and Expense Guidelines.
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Business Continuity Planning and Resiliency Survey

If a supplier is unable to provide a Business Continuity Plan, the supplier will complete a Kaiser Permanente Business Continuity Planning and Resiliency Survey to confirm evidence of a Business Continuity Plan and understanding of their Business Continuity Program.
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Business Continuity Planning Requirements

Kaiser Permanente requires suppliers to maintain and routinely test comprehensive Business Continuity Plans to ensure appropriate and timely recovery of services to Kaiser Permanente during times of business interruption. All suppliers in contract with Kaiser Permanente must provide a 24/7 contact.
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Vendor Code of Conduct

Kaiser Permanente upholds high ethical standards in its business practices, and our vendors play an integral role in making this happen. The Vendor Code of Conduct contains the minimum standards by which a supplier is expected to conduct itself when providing services to Kaiser Permanente.
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Business Associate Agreement

This downloadable Kaiser Permanente® Business Associate Agreement (“BAA”) applies to any supplier that has a business relationship with Kaiser Permanente that involves the receipt, creation, maintenance, access, transmission, use and/or disclosure of Protected Health Information to the extent the supplier qualifies as a business associate under HIPAA regulations and unless the supplier has entered into a separately signed BAA with Kaiser Permanente that covers this business relationship.
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Terms and Conditions for the Purchase of Goods and Services

These Kaiser Permanente® Terms and Conditions for the Purchase of Goods and Services (“Terms and Conditions”) apply to Purchase Orders which incorporate by reference the Terms and Conditions - unless the parties have agreed in writing to use other terms and conditions. The Terms and Conditions also apply to written agreements which incorporate by reference the Terms and Conditions.
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